Feb 162017
News from Mango!

This old photo is of a similar Fulani refugee camp that was set up behind the hospital in Mango several years ago.
Currently the team in Mango is helping with a sudden refugee crisis as late last week violence erupted between the Konkomba and Fulani people groups. Around eight Fulani people were murdered (from that number several were children) and many people’s homes were burned, their main livelihood of cows killed, and their crops destroyed. A Fulani refugee camp has been set up about 45 minutes from the Hospital of Hope already with 1,332 people there and more coming. Team members are visiting the camp to distribute sacks of rice and assess medical needs.
Praise the Lord for providing 59% of our monthly support! That is ten percent in just one month. We are encouraged by God’s continued provision and are still eagerly hoping and praying to reach 100% by April 10th so that we can start language school this fall.
Until that time, we have churches scheduled every Sunday (and sometimes during the week!). Needless to say, these next few months will be a very busy time. Please pray for safe travels to and from presentations; for wisdom and strength as we share our testimonies and what God is doing in Togo; and that He would continue to raise up partners.
If you are interested in partnering in ministry with us, visit our giving page. Help us bring in a good harvest by getting a Mango for our tree!

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