Spring arrives! Enjoying the beautiful daily commute home from work on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
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The craziness of our February-April schedule is wrapping up just as Spring is rolling in. Would you believe that in 10 weeks we spoke at 10 presentations, many of them multiple day conferences, and 2 multi-day training courses in 4 different states? We are thankful to be back to something resembling a routine and hopefully will be taking a few days to relax and recover.
Our goal had been to get to 85% by April 10th so that we could attend field prep training. Though it was not our plan, God determined that we should wait at least another six months before going to language school. We are only at 66% of our needed monthly support instead of 85%. We simultaneously disappointed and relieved at not getting to go in August. Now our schedules are not so mindbogglingly packed but even so we still desire to be on our way to Togo quickly.
We still have more training upcoming in July as well as ongoing courses learning about Islam, evangelism, theology, and bible study. Please pray with us that we would be diligent to get these done and that they would be done well so as to bring the most glory to God. We would also ask for specific prayer that the requirements for leading an unbeliever and a new believer through the story of the God’s Word could be fulfilled. God has not shown us yet how He will meet this requirement.
So… our hope, now that the April 10th deadline has passed, is to be to language school by January. That requires that we meet all of our training requirements as well as reaching 85% of our monthly support by the middle of October. Would you please pray that God would raise up financial partners and church contacts to reach this goal. And if you would like to partner with us financially you can contact us using one of the ways contact page or visit our giving page page. We would love to share with you the many and diverse ways God is working in Mango.
In Service of the One who is able,
Jonathan & Bethany
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